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China's earliest production and processing of aluminum veneer ceiling, one of the curtain wall manufacturers

Characteristics of aluminum veneer

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published time: 2016-03-26 11:35:00

1The issue of lightning protection characteristics has been debated for a long time, and people have always thought thataluminum honeycomb panel是纯铝的,导电性能更好。针对这个问题,德国ALUSUISSESINGEN GMBHThe company tested the lightning resistance of two materials in a military laboratory in Germany. The results show that when lightning strikes, the curtain wall connection method adopted, whether it is aluminum-plastic panel or aluminum veneer, can completely prevent lightning strikes.;When the continuous current of lightning strikes, it is easy to melt at the lightning strike of the metal plate or metal surface.

The aluminum honeycomb board due to the good insulation of the intermediate polyethylene core layer, lightning damage is limited to the skin, from this point of view, aluminum-plastic composite board than aluminum veneer has better lightning resistance.

2The aluminum honeycomb panel is not burning, which is known to all. Early aluminum-plastic panels are not fireproof, but with the development of aluminum-plastic panel technology, the production of fireproof aluminum-plastic composite panels due to itsPEAdding non-toxic flame retardant materials, fire performance is greatly improved, has been fully able to meet the needs of engineering fire.

3The residual value of aluminum veneer has a certain residual value, but because of its high cost, compared to almost no residual value of aluminum-plastic composite panels, the waste is still much greater. In summary of the above analysis, aluminum veneer and aluminum-plastic composite panels have their own advantages, but from a large point of view, the application of aluminum-plastic panels should be more affordable and environmentally friendly.

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Keyword of this article:Characteristics of aluminum veneer