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Surface treatment of wood grain aluminum ceiling honeycomb aluminum plate

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published time: 2016-03-28 10:08:00

Wood grain formation mechanism of thermal transfer wood grain formation mechanism is the transfer of wood grain ink penetration. during the curing process,Honeycomb aluminum plate转印膜贴覆铝型材表面涂层上形成真空状态,油墨依附在涂膜上,随着烘烤温度的升高,介质的溶剂溶解并挥发,涂膜的热分子运动加剧, 油墨分子通过涂膜分子的间隙渗入,大部分油墨与涂膜结合在一起,呈现出原来的木纹颜色。

Honeycomb aluminum plate工艺流程如下:铝材前处理→Coating ground color powder curingCoated Wood Grain Transfer Filmcuring transferRemove paper and clean itPEAt present, most wood grain transfer films are used for vacuum pumping.PEThe thermal transfer wood grain film seals the aluminum material to be transferred into a tubular bag by an automatic packaging machine.

从管状PEThe two ends of the transfer film bag are vacuumedPEThe transfer film can be sufficiently close to the aluminum. The negative pressure of vacuum depends on the shape of the transferred aluminum material andPEThe transfer film can withstand negative pressure and other factors to make appropriate adjustments, usually in0.3~0.6MpaBetween. Send the vacuum-pumped aluminum to the oven for curing.

烘烤温度的高低和时间的长短根据被转印铝材的形状、要转印木纹纹理的深浅等综合因素做适当调整,通常转印的温度为180℃,Time10~15Minutes. The transferred aluminum material is pushed out of the oven and blown automatically.PEBagging of transfer film, after cooling, tear off the residualPETransfer film.

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Keyword of this article:Surface treatment of wood grain aluminum ceiling honeycomb aluminum plate