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Various skills required for aluminum honeycomb panels | Hot Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials News

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Various skills required for aluminum honeycomb panels

文章出处:广州Various skills required for aluminum honeycomb panels | Hot Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials有限公司 人气:-Published: 2016-01-18 12:17:00

aluminum honeycomb panel商品均选用统一标准的预辊涂高等级铝合金卷材,联系多种生产工艺精制而成。作为现代社会流行的一种新型的建筑材料,aluminum honeycomb panel以其轻便、耐腐蚀抗压抗震、保温隔音、阻燃等多种优点,吸引了众人的目光,也成为行业中的翘楚,建筑材料中的首选。

1Coating skills

(1)选用独创的涂层烘烤技能,保证涂层的附着力以and color uniformity and saturation.

(2)Can provide the required color according to the demand, can also provide a variety of special coating.

2Molding skills

(1)After a series of mold gradually forming, full release plate internal stress.

(2)The coating on the exterior of the maintenance panel is not damaged and is more effective. The whole production process ensures the high precision of the plate processing scale.

(3)The continuous thermal composite production process is efficient and fast.

3Honeycomb Composite Skill

(1)From the scientific and technological achievements of modern aviation, the weight is lighter, but the strength of the plate is higher.

(2)Use high temperature composite and panel hot pressing skills to ensure the integrity, strength and flatness of the board.

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