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Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-02-23 14:27:00

aluminum honeycomb panelThe out-of-plane compression performance and bending performance are especially important.

1The flat pressure performance of aluminum honeycomb panel

许多专家学者对aluminum honeycomb panel的平压性能进行了分析与研究后得出结论:aluminum honeycomb panel的压缩变形主要由蜂窝壁板的轴向变形来承担,其压缩过程都会经历弹性变形、弹性屈曲、塑性屈曲、蜂窝芯大变形( Also known as dense strengthening or foldingstages, but the stages of the compression process vary depending on the honeycomb material and the manufacturing process. If the aluminum honeycomb panel is prepared by cementing method, the honeycomb core will occur in the elastic deformation stage.-The elastic instability of the panel glue is only the elastic deformation of the honeycomb core when it is prepared by brazing. After the elastic deformation stage, if the honeycomb structure is made of elastic materials such as synthetic rubber, the hole wall produces elastic buckling, in the stress.-A long, almost flat plateau appears on the strain curve.

若蜂窝结构由铝合金等塑性材料制成,蜂窝壁板则产生塑性屈曲或轴向屈服;If the cell wall is made of creep material, the honeycomb structure will creep.;If it is made of a brittle material, it will crush and fracture in a brittle manner. Yingchun of Dalian Jiaotong University studied the pressure bearing mechanical properties of magnesium core honeycomb panel and aluminum core honeycomb panel respectively. The results show that the compressive strength of honeycomb panel mainly depends on the compressive strength of honeycomb core, and the compressive strength of aluminum honeycomb panel can be improved by increasing the thickness of core material or improving its material properties. In addition, Jing Yu\'an passed onQ215The out-of-plane compression experiments of plain carbon steel honeycomb sandwich panels found that among the structural parameters affecting the mechanical properties of the honeycomb, the thickness of the cell wall has the greatest influence on the initial compression strength and peak compression strength, the influence of the cell wall edge length is the second, and the influence of the panel and core thickness is the smallest.

2Bending performance of aluminum honeycomb panel

Aluminum honeycomb panels in many cases to bear bending load, and because the wall under bending load, there are compression zone, there are tensile zone, the force situation is more complex, so the study of aluminum honeycomb panels under bending load response is also very necessary. After studying the mechanical properties of wood honeycomb sandwich materials, Xu Chaoyang pointed out that four typical failure modes of core shear buckling, core shear failure, panel buckling and panel yielding often occur when honeycomb panels are bent, but Yingchun\'s study of the bending properties of cemented magnesium core honeycomb panels found that magnesium core honeycomb panels could not continue to bear after the adhesive layer of the panel was degummed, and there was no panel and buckling of wood honeycomb panels, this is mainly due to the fact that the bonding strength of the adhesive for the honeycomb panel is much lower than the shear limit of the magnesium honeycomb core.

所以,通过提高胶结剂的性能也能够在一定程度上提高aluminum honeycomb panel的弯曲承载性能,但是毕竟胶结剂性能的提高有一定限度,远不如钎焊形成的牢固的冶金结合强度高。另外,aluminum honeycomb panel的结构参数对其弯曲性能也有明显影响,蜂窝芯壁厚和蜂窝孔边长的比值对弯曲性能有明显影响,随着此比值增大,弯曲强度和刚度都增大,且弯曲强度的增加更加显著;Honeycomb core height has an opposite effect on compression performance and bending performance. The higher the honeycomb core, the better the bending performance but the worse the compression performance. Therefore, the bending characteristics can be improved by selecting the appropriate size of the honeycomb structure and using brazing instead of bonding.

3Other mechanical properties of aluminum honeycomb panel

With the development of science and technology and the rapid development of numerical simulation technology, experts have paid attention to the lateral pressure and impact mechanical properties of aluminum honeycomb panels, as well as the establishment of static and dynamic analysis models in finite element simulation. All in all, in the future, the scope of research on aluminum honeycomb panels will be more and more extensive, so as to develop a wider range of applications, better overall performance of aluminum honeycomb panels.

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Keyword of this article:Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel