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Aluminum honeycomb panel installation method

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-01-04 10:47:00

Honeycomb aluminum plate安装应按板块分配图上板号安置就位,明胶缝部位安装角码组装好,并检查相邻两块板角码是否错开,试装检查其水平度、垂直度,然后用不锈钢螺栓装配,试固定在主副龙骨上,调整横竖缝间隙符合要求再固定。在隐胶缝位置,采用隐缝压板固定,检查两条间隙,保证一致,具体要求应保证Honeycomb aluminum plate左右、上下偏差±1.5mm,注意隐缝压板接头处应打密封胶密封,胶缝应大于5mm且应保证其密封性。

Aluminum honeycomb panel installation method

1. Lug type

This installation method is to separate the lifting lug and the honeycomb panel. After the lifting lug is processed separately, it is connected to the glue seam position of the honeycomb panel. The suitable width of the glue seam is ≥ 12mm. This installation method makes the processing simple and the installation convenient.

2. Flip type

This installation method is to process the flanging for installation when processing the aluminum honeycomb panel. The installation only needs to comfort the connection with the keel and glue seam. The suitable glue seam width is ≥ 10mm. This method is convenient to install, but the processing is slightly complicated and is not suitable for modeling curtain wall panels.

3. Buckle type

This node is aluminum buckle strip type, buckle strip is a specific profile, easy to install, but this method requires high machining accuracy of the plate, it is not recommended to use the length of more than 3000mm plate. According to the width of the buckle strip, the plate is sewn with 20mm and 40mm, etc.

Advantage Performance

(1) Fire prevention: aluminum plate is non-combustible material.

(2) Corrosion resistance: The surface of the aluminum honeycomb panel is treated with epoxy fluorocarbon, which has strong corrosion resistance. Salt spray for 48 hours without pinhole, crack, no bubble.

(3) Environmental protection: Honeycomb panels are pure aluminum Products, do not volatilize any harmful gases, non-radioactive and can be completely recycled, 100% environmentally friendly Products.

(4) the aluminum honeycomb panel is easy to dismantle and assemble, and will not dismantle the bad plate. Due to its light weight and convenient transportation, it can be transported to different places for repeated use. This is the other partition plate can not be compared.

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Keyword of this article:Aluminum honeycomb panel installation method