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Metal honeycomb aluminum plate manufacturing technology new structure | hot information | Kaimai metal building materials News

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Metal honeycomb aluminum plate manufacturing technology new structure

文章出处:广州Metal honeycomb aluminum plate manufacturing technology new structure | hot information | Kaimai metal building materials有限公司 人气:-Published: 2016-01-12 11:24:00

For metalHoneycomb aluminum plate结构钎焊制造技术,北京航空制造工程研究所依托各类基金和预研及攻关课题,攻克了金属蜂窝壁板结构研制过程中的几大难题:

金属Honeycomb aluminum plate型面精密加工技术。由于金属蜂窝芯体结构壁薄、刚性差,采用传统的机械切削加工方法来加工,被切削的蜂窝孔易产生倒伏变形而损坏芯格,无法保证蜂窝芯体外形加工精度和表面质量,从而影响后续零件的整体钎焊。项目组从蜂窝结构本身的特殊性、加工工艺优化等方面出发,经大量工艺试验,成功解决了蜂窝芯型面加工过程中的倒边问题,提高了蜂窝精度型面加工精度,目前蜂窝芯体型面加工尺寸精度可达±0.1mmIt can well meet the requirements of subsequent brazing assembly.

高强、高韧非晶钛基钎焊料的研制开发。Honeycomb aluminum plate钛元素的化学活度较大,在钎焊过程中钛原子极易扩散,尽管有利于钎焊界面的形成,但界面极易形成钛元素相关金属间化合物,成为钎焊接头脆化的隐患所在。项目组基于PaulingThe valence bond theory and energy band theory of solid and electron theory, from the point of view of interatomic bonding, the selection of titanium alloy brazing filler metal composition is calculated theoretically, and the thermodynamic properties of brazing filler alloy are studied by thermodynamic means, which provides a theoretical basis for the determination of the optimal composition range of brazing filler metal for titanium alloy thin-walled structure and the formulation of brazing process. Figure2The developed brazing filler metal can be prepared into an amorphous state, which has the advantages of high strength, high toughness and other performance advantages, greatly improving the plastic toughness of the brazed joints of titanium alloy honeycomb thin-walled structure, and has been applied to key models.

大面积复杂型面金属蜂窝壁板结构焊接质量控制。对于金属Honeycomb aluminum plate结构,焊接质量是其最关键技术指标,对于目前型号中研制的金属蜂窝壁板零件,不仅结构尺寸大,而且型面都非常复杂,由于采用整体钎焊方法制造,蜂窝芯体与内蒙皮间连接界面多,钎焊过程要求装配间隙小于0.1mmIt is difficult to make the welding rate, outer surface quality and performance of honeycomb area and plate area of the whole part meet the design requirements. The project team has repeatedly carried out verification tests in terms of improving the machining dimensional accuracy of the honeycomb core surface and the forming dimensional accuracy of the skin, repeatedly optimizing the brazing tooling design scheme, and coordinating the assembly relationship between the skin, the honeycomb core and the brazing tooling, so that the welding rate of the whole structure can reach90%Above, the problem of low welding rate of metal honeycomb panel structure in model development was successfully solved, and the reliable brazing of large area and large curvature titanium alloy honeycomb panel structure was realized.

目前已具备的技术能力如下:不同材料的金属蜂窝壁板结构的制造,如不锈钢、各类钛合金、Ti-AlIntermetallic compounds and various high-temperature alloy materials, etc.;Various types of large, special-shaped honeycomb core manufacturing, honeycomb core specifications range up to: core size0.8mm12.8mmCore cell wall thickness0.050.12m, core grid height5mm180mm;Manufacturing and testing of various large and special-shaped honeycomb panel structures. At present, metal honeycomb panel structures can be developed. The maximum size of Products can reach2600mm×1200mm×180mm;It can be used to manufacture aircraft fuselage panels, access panels, firewalls, control surfaces, metal thermal protection, noise reduction, energy absorption, vibration reduction and impact resistance structures.

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