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China's earliest production and processing of aluminum veneer ceiling, one of the curtain wall manufacturers

Application of Honeycomb Aluminum Plate in Many Fields

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-02-26 14:24:00

Honeycomb aluminum plateOriginally aviation, aerospace materials, is now used in civil construction and vehicle decoration and other fields. Honeycomb aluminum plate adopts a unified standard of high-grade aluminum alloy coil, combined with a variety of processes. Its honeycomb composite technology is the scientific and technological achievements of modern aviation, light weight, but the strength of the plate is very high, which is a major highlight of the honeycomb aluminum plate. This article has compiled relevant information about the function and performance advantages of honeycomb aluminum plate. Let\'s take a look at it carefully. Maybe it is the good material you are looking!

1.External wall hanging board of building curtain wall

The honeycomb aluminum panel wall panel system is based on the composite honeycomb panel technology developed by the aviation industry. Such advanced technology enables the company to manufacture wall panel Products with good strength and light weight. These wallboard Products have a very flat surface and the width of the joints can be strictly controlled, which allows the architect to design a very flat and beautiful wall with a large surface.


Honeycomb aluminum plate has the advantages of light weight, good toughness, high strength, good sound insulation and heat insulation performance. It is an ideal plate choice for large-scale engineering ceiling, and the installation method of honeycomb aluminum plate is diversified, which can be designed for heavy ceiling and can be repaired by people.

3.Rail Transit

Buses, trains, subway and rail transit vehicles, commercial transport vehicles and container car bodies, shipboard buildings, billboards, interior decoration projects, indoor partitions and commodity display stands.

4.electronic whiteboard

其背板材料选用Honeycomb aluminum plate制造而成,Honeycomb aluminum plate源于航空航天材料用于民用产品技术的高端产品,保证了产品的防潮、防火、不变形,确保了产品10More than years of service life. The board surface is durable, the board body is strong and resistant to heavy blows, and the special projection writing film or panel made of high wear-resistant coating is used to resist scratches, high brightness, high definition and easy to clean.(Can be wiped with a whiteboard cleaner or a damp cloth)

5.Elevator engineering

Honeycomb aluminum plate and marble honeycomb plate have the advantages of fire prevention, heat preservation, sound insulation, shockproof, heavy and strong, buffer resistance, light weight and so on. It can greatly reduce the load of the elevator, is used for public elevators and goods elevator is the most ideal material.

6.Furniture manufacturing

对环保要求很严的现代家具行业来说,用aluminum honeycomb panel来做家具的加工材料,是新世纪一种很好的材料选择,其完全无毒的绿色品质,让家具商在加工家具时,少了不必要的环保程序;In addition, the aluminum honeycomb panel can be diversified such as solid wood, aluminum plate, gypsum board, natural marble stone, can be made into honeycomb panels, material selection is convenient.

7.Partition design

The emergence of honeycomb aluminum partition, breaking the traditional partition mode, with its noble, fresh, stylish style, won the market share of high-end office space.

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Keyword of this article:Application of Honeycomb Aluminum Plate in Many Fields