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How to buy high quality suitable aluminum honeycomb panel ceiling?

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-04-13 14:12:00

aluminum honeycomb panel在短短上市5In, the integrated ceiling won the wide favor of consumers with its advantages of beauty, practicality and economy, and was rapidly popularized in the home decoration industry at a speed exceeding that of the whole cabinet. However, some businesses use various technical terms and concepts to confuse the public, making consumers dizzy. Leading brands have taken action to clear the market fog and prevent consumers from being misled. This article for the majority of readers to teach the purchase tips, so that you can easily dress up and home decoration style coordination, long-term beautiful kitchen and bathroom space.

Buckle aluminum honeycomb panel is not thick, care about the material and texture

不少商家为了混淆视听,往往把扣板的厚度作为价格卖高的理由,殊不知铝扣板的档次与厚薄无关,It all depends on the material. The materials of aluminum gusset plates on the market are divided into three types from low end to high end: laminating plate, roller coating plate and oxidation plate. Bad manufacturers often use recycled garbage aluminum or inferior laminating plate for profit. Inferior aluminum gusset plate not only can not do thin, and easy to produce corrosion and surface layer peeling phenomenon. Materials of unknown origin are more likely to cause radiation hazards and affect the health of family members.

辅材很关键,“gold-only structureThe most secure

顾客在选择集成吊顶时,往往在商家误导下,只关注外观部分而忽略了内部的安装框架。这部分辅材对于集成吊顶而言,相当于大楼的地基与梁柱,偷工减料的辅材极易锈蚀或变形,造成吊顶下沉甚至塌落。因此全金属安装框架是首选,而以高档品牌更承诺框架“gold-only structure, painted with high-quality steel golden anti-corrosion layer, and each piece has steel seal anti-counterfeiting, convenient for consumers to distinguish. A good steel keel can be easily distinguished from the thickness, texture and inferior steel keel by weighing and looking at the incision. In order to reduce the cost, miscellaneous manufacturers often choose some inferior keel, and many things can be seen from small details.

Electrical safety is very important, polish your eyes to recognize the brand

集成吊顶之集成,实则包括两大核心,一是吊顶、二是电器。虽然由电器质量低劣导致的取暖灯爆炸、换气扇轰鸣、风暖导致火灾等事故屡有发生,但依然有不少不良厂家用劣质电器拼凑低价产品。消费者如何能在头悬危险的环境中静享家居之乐?Therefore, in the purchase of integrated ceiling, the quality of electrical appliances is more related to the use of safety. In fact, buyers who do not know much about the quality of various manufacturers can ask the partners of the merchants whose Products are equipped with electrical appliances, or the warranty period and other more practical questions. Good electrical appliances can provide a reliable quality guarantee for the electrical modules in the ceiling.

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Keyword of this article:How to buy high quality suitable aluminum honeycomb panel ceiling?