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Will the new decoration of aluminum honeycomb panels have peculiar smell? | Kaimai Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials News

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Aluminum honeycomb panel new decoration will have peculiar smell?

文章出处:广州Will the new decoration of aluminum honeycomb panels have peculiar smell? | Kaimai Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials有限公司 人气:-Published: 2018-06-08 11:52:00

  那天有位客户问,aluminum honeycomb panel是不是可以用来装修屋子,装修出来要很久才能办住人?小编说安装完成后就可以搬进去住,他说怎么可能,一般人家装修过的房子都要过最少半个月才能住人,有的甚至长达一个月之久,aluminum honeycomb panel怎么可能安装完就能住?下面就和小编一块去了解一下吧!

  1、在这里小编推荐大家使用aluminum honeycomb panelBecause the aluminum honeycomb panel in addition to its own characteristics, there is the most important point is to use aluminum honeycomb panel decoration out of the house without any thought,

2. Of course, if you had peculiar smell before the decoration, there would be no guarantee. Aluminum honeycomb panels are manufactured through multiple processes. From raw materials to processing, to transportation and installation, there is no peculiar smell production and chemicals used in the whole process. Naturally, there is no peculiar smell after decoration. These are all based on a number of projects,

3. The room after the suspended ceiling of the aluminum honeycomb panel curtain wall is installed and lived immediately without any worries. And even if you move in the future, you can continue to use aluminum honeycomb panels, because aluminum honeycomb panels can be used indoors for up to thirty years without changing color and can be recycled. Cost savings.

  通过小编给客户们介绍Aluminum honeycomb panel new decoration will have peculiar smellDo you understand the reason? I hope our introduction can help you better.

Keyword of this article:Aluminum honeycomb panel customization, all aluminum honeycomb panel manufacturer