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Analysis of Quality Problems in Installation of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel and Its Prevention Measures | Hot Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials News

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Analysis and Prevention Measures of Quality Problems in the Installation of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel

文章出处:广州Analysis of Quality Problems in Installation of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel and Its Prevention Measures | Hot Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials有限公司 人气:-Published: 2016-05-28 09:44:00

aluminum honeycomb panelManufacturing technology from the aviation industry, as a curtain wall system it is not only durable, oversized board, but also has excellent flatness. Aluminum honeycomb panel can be bent, good processing performance, surface treatment has a variety of options. In addition, the panel in addition to the use of aluminum alloy plate can also be selected according to customer needs other materials, such as copper, zinc, stainless steel and so on. The installation of aluminum honeycomb panel involves many types of work, the process is complex, the construction is difficult, and quality problems are more likely to occur. Usually manifested in the following aspects:

1. The aluminum honeycomb panel has uneven surface and uneven joints
(1) 连接码件固定不牢,产生偏移。
(2) 码件安装不平直。
(3) Honeycomb Panel板面本身不平整。
Prevention and control measures: to ensure the fixing of the connecting piece, the line should be placed and positioned when the code piece is fixed, and the quality of the honeycomb board should be strictly checked before the board is put on, and the product number provided by the supplier should be checked.

2, sealant cracking, resulting in gas penetration or rainwater leakage
(1) 注胶部位不洁净。
(2) 胶缝深度过大,造成三面粘结。
(3) 胶在未完全粘结前受到灰尘污染或损伤。
(4) 龙骨及附件平整度误差偏大,板块之间的缝隙预留不正确。
(1) 充分清洁板材间缝隙(尤其是粘结面),并加以干燥。
(2) 在较深的胶缝中充填聚氯乙烯发泡材料(小圆棒),使胶形成两面粘结,保证共嵌缝深度。
(3) 检查盖板底槽的位置安装是否正确,调整盖条两旁Honeycomb Panel的间距。
(4) Carefully curing after injection until it is safely hardened.

3, embedded parts position is not allowed, resulting in horizontal, vertical material is difficult to fixed connection with it
(1) 预埋件安放时偏离安装基准线。
(2) 预埋件与模板、钢筋的连接不牢,使其在浇筑混凝土时位置变动。
(1) 预埋件放置前,认真校核其安装基线,确定其准确位置。
(2) 采取适当方法将预埋件模板、钢筋牢固连接(如绑扎、焊接等)。
(1) 预埋件面内凹入超出允许偏差范围,采用加长铁码补救。
(2) 预埋件向外凸出超出允许偏差范围,采用缩短铁码或剔去原预埋件,改用膨胀螺栓将铁码紧固于混凝土结构上。
(3) 预埋件向上或向下偏移超出偏差范围,则修改竖框连接孔或采用膨胀螺栓调整连接位置。
(4) 预埋件漏放,采用膨胀螺栓连接或剔出混凝土后重新埋设。
The above repair methods shall be approved by the design department.

4. The glue seam is not smooth and full, and the glue line is not straight.
Prevention and control measures: connect and squeeze the glue evenly, maintain the correct angle, and scrape the glue with a special tool after filling it up. The surface should be smooth and free of wrinkles.

Cause: after the aluminum honeycomb panel is installed, it is not protected in time, causing collision deformation, discoloration, pollution, drainage pipe blockage and other phenomena.
(1) 施工过程中要及时清除板面及构件表面的粘附物。
(2) Immediately after the installation, clean from top to bottom, stick protective adhesive paper or cover plastic film on the parts vulnerable to pollution and damage, and set guardrails on the parts vulnerable to collision.

Keyword of this article:Honeycomb aluminum plate price, all aluminum honeycomb panel manufacturers