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Aluminum honeycomb panels on trains

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-03-11 14:51:00

在国外,法国的TGVseries and ItalianETRSeries of high-speed trains, early on the use of honeycomb sandwich structure composite materials to make interior wall panels and roof panels, and then many European railway vehicle manufacturers adopted.aluminum honeycomb panel制造铁道车辆零部件,应用的范围遍及内装结构中的侧墙板、内顶板、间壁板、地板、内外车门的门板和行李架等零部件。其中,意大利在aluminum honeycomb panel的应用方面相对比较领先,意大利早就开始采用aluminum honeycomb panel制造形状复杂的行李架和带弯曲窗口的内侧墙板等结构件。

在国内,aluminum honeycomb panel最早的应用是制造25AThe application effect of the compartment wall of the type soft sleeper bus was not very ideal due to the lack of mastery of manufacturing technology at that time. Therefore, it cannot be used in the subsequent25Continue to promote the application of the bus. In20At the end of the century, due to the high requirements for lightweight vehicles in the development process of EMU, the partition wall, flat roof panel and door panel were manufactured by using aluminum honeycomb panel on the domestic EMU prototype, and good results were achieved. Subsequently, aluminum honeycomb panels were applied on a large area. At that time, aluminum honeycomb panels were not only used to manufacture partitions, flat roof panels, underfloor equipment compartments and various door panels.

还用aluminum honeycomb panel制造了空调风道和空调机组导流罩,其中以问壁、平顶板、空调风道和空调机组导流罩的应用效果最为显著,既大幅度地减轻了相关零部件的质量,实现了车辆的整体轻量化,又提高了零部件的制造精度和质量,进而提高了整车的制造质量。但是,真正使aluminum honeycomb panel的应用取得突破性进展的还是CRHSeries EMU. The breakthrough progress mentioned here is mainly reflected in two aspects:

(1)CRHThe aluminum honeycomb panel is used to manufacture the inner wall panel with complex shape, high manufacturing tolerance and high appearance quality requirements on the series EMU, which breaks through the design concept of parts that can only be used to manufacture plane structures or can only be bent in one direction, thus making its application range break through the application range limits of interior floor, partition wall, various vehicle interior and exterior door panels and air supply duct of air conditioning system.

(2)CRHThe application of aluminum honeycomb panels on the series of EMUs is not only complex in shape, but also has a high load-bearing and wear-resistant luggage rack, breaking through the traditional design concept that aluminum honeycomb panels cannot be applied to the manufacture of important stress components in vehicle interior structures, thus expanding its scope of application to a new field and bringing the domestic aluminum honeycomb panel application technology into a new stage.

随着近年来CRHWith the continuous deepening of the localization process of the series of EMU, the domestic has been able to use aluminum honeycomb panel molding processing technology to manufacture parts with complex shapes, and has reached a high level in the field of aluminum honeycomb panel molding manufacturing and application. However, in order to further improve the application level of aluminum honeycomb panels and improve the rationality, maturity and reliability of design and manufacturing parts, we should also further strengthen the research on the characteristics and applicability, application design methods, manufacturing technology and specific manufacturing methods and means of aluminum honeycomb panels, so as to truly master the characteristics and application design methods of aluminum honeycomb panels, so as to further expand the application scope of aluminum honeycomb panels and promote the further lightweight of railway vehicles.

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