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aluminum honeycomb panel performance decision

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published time: 2016-03-04 15:37:00

aluminum honeycomb panelIt is a low density and high strength material made by bionic principle,

它由铝蜂窝芯和面板经胶粘剂粘接而成的。aluminum honeycomb panel是一种轻质高强的多用途夹层材料,它的比刚性和比强度大,同等厚度的aluminum honeycomb panel其比刚性是铝板的5Times, steel plate10Times.

Due to the characteristics of aluminum honeycomb sandwich structure, it was first used in aerospace vehicles, which greatly reduced the weight of the aerospace vehicle while ensuring its function, so that it can travel longer distances under the same fuel supply.

With the continuous progress of manufacturing technology and the development of materials, aluminum honeycomb panels are widely used in more and more industries, such as shipbuilding, ground transportation, machinery, architectural decoration and other industries. The architectural decoration industry is undoubtedly the largest market for aluminum honeycomb panels.

At present, honeycomb sandwich panels are mainly used in the following parts in architectural decoration:

ACurtain wall plate

BInterior wall and ceiling

CRoof slab

Due to the short application time of aluminum honeycomb panel in China\'s construction industry, there is no unified national norms and standards. Based on years of research and application in aviation manufacturing technology, our company has carried out basic technical design and standardized management of manufacturing technology for the application of aluminum honeycomb panels in the field of architectural decoration.

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Keyword of this article:aluminum honeycomb panel performance decision