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Classification and Use of Honeycomb Aluminum Plate | Hot Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials News

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Classification and Application of Honeycomb Aluminum Plate

文章出处:广州Classification and Use of Honeycomb Aluminum Plate | Hot Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials有限公司 人气:-Published: 2016-01-05 15:49:00

Honeycomb aluminum plate,顾名思义是指用铝材或铝合金材料制成的板型材料。或者说是由扁铝胚经加热、轧延及拉直或固溶时效热等过程制造而成的板型铝制品。可得到多种颜色的喷涂表面,强度好,成本低,寿命长,若不和钢铁直接接触,铝单板挂在墙上,50years will not fall off and corrode(The roof made of aluminum veneer in Tianjin before liberation is still intact today.)

建筑上使用的Honeycomb aluminum plate包括单层铝单板、复合铝单板等多种材料,一般常常指单层铝单板(There are also called single aluminum veneer or pure aluminum veneer)It is mostly used in architectural decoration engineering. In recent years, single-layer aluminum veneer is used more in aluminum veneer curtain wall. Anodized oxide films are generally12μAbove, the colors are only bronze and white, and the colors are monotonous. The more serious disadvantage is that the colors of each aluminum veneer panel are different, and many curtain wall panels are combined to form a curtain wall. The overall effect is very ugly.

喷涂又分为粉沫喷涂和液体喷涂。Honeycomb aluminum plate加强筋用LF21Aluminum strip, the width and thickness of the aluminum strip are determined according to the aluminum veneer plate surface, generally thick2-2.5mm, wide10-25mm. Therefore, the aluminum veneer surface treatment of the aluminum veneer curtain wall must not be anodized. Why should the back of the aluminum veneer of the aluminum veneer curtain wall be reinforced? Under the condition of positive and negative external pressure, the aluminum veneer will not sag or bulge out, thus avoiding the vibration sound caused by repeated internal and external vibration of the aluminum veneer curtain wall.

单层整体冲压成形铝单板是用单层铝单板特制加工制成的,为配合建筑外饰造形而采用的异型铝单板墙面,可把它视为单层铝单板的一种特殊情。我国为了减轻铝单板重量,增加铝单板强度,我们采用铝合金板,常选用21No. antirust aluminum codeLF21The pressed aluminum veneer is used as the curtain wall aluminum veneer.

由于单层铝单板较蜂窝铝单板更易弯折加工和成形复杂形状,能够更好地适应变化无尽的建筑外墙装饰的需求,一般认为单层铝单板作铝单板幕墙材料为最好。液体喷涂料即氟碳聚合物喷涂料,俗称为氟化碳喷涂料,是用以制造漆油的氟碳聚合物树脂,作金属的罩面漆,与氟的结合是目前最稳固的分子结合。由于铝单板并非是由一批号,化学成份均有小的差别,再加上氧化时电解槽液电流密度等因素均无法完全一样,所以氧化后的颜色多少均有差异,单张看可能不明显,若都排在一起即非常明显。该喷涂粉沫,耐撞碰耐磨擦,在50Under the impact of kilograms, the aluminum veneer is deformed, the spraying layer is free of cracks, and the layer is intact and resistant to dilute acid and mortar.

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