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Carved aluminum veneer quality judgment skills, can you know?

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2021-09-23 23:31:00

How to judge the quality of carved aluminum veneer? Due to the development of the building decoration industry, the market demand for aluminum veneer is increasing. Natural aluminum veneer manufacturers are like bamboo shoots after spring rain, everywhere, and the quality is uneven, but because some buyers are not familiar with the Products, they will not judge the quality of the Products. If you don\'t know how to judge the quality, you will place an order rashly, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Carved aluminum veneer quality judgment skills

Today, the editor will address some of the problems of buyers and communicate with everyone on how to judge the quality of carved aluminum veneer. As a small editor with more than ten years of experience, I still have some experience in judging the quality of aluminum veneer. Let\'s talk about it.

1. From the point of view of the parts, the parts should be made of strong materials. When checking the quality, you can use your hands to break the angle code to see if there is any bending.

2. To check the thickness of the rivet, in general, it is better to be thicker.

3. Look at the strength of the bolt, can withstand the pressure between the reinforcement and the aluminum plate, and whether the two can be locked very firmly.

4. The role of the reinforcement is to make the surface of the aluminum plate more stable and play a supporting role, so the strength and thickness of the reinforcement must be sufficient to reflect the quality.

5. Coating process. How many layers of coating process, or find a knowledgeable person to test, relatively speaking, the thicker the coating, the better the quality.

  以上就是小编的一些判断Carved aluminum veneerSome methods of quality, I hope to help you. More knowledge about Products, Xiaobian will continue to organize and share for everyone!

Keyword of this article:Carved aluminum veneer