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Core layer of aluminum honeycomb panel

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published time: 2016-03-10 16:47:00

aluminum honeycomb panelHoneycomb sandwich panels with honeycomb structure as the core layer are inspired by natural hexagonal honeycombs. Aluminum honeycomb panels made of aluminum alloy because of its unique structure not only in the same volume of other materials in the lightest quality, and stiffness and overall stability are very good, but also has sound insulation and heat insulation performance. Aluminum alloy is not radioactive, will not volatilize any harmful gases harmful to human health, but also can be completely recycled and reused, saving resources and energy, the pollution to the environment to a minimum level, which makes aluminum honeycomb panels become a new material for energy saving, environmental protection and health.

Honeycomb Panel的芯层是典型的多孔结构,连续的多边形孔格呈规则的周期性排列,因而Honeycomb Panel实体部分截面积很小,所以它的密度相对其他夹层材料也很小。由于Honeycomb Panel密度远小于层合板、钢板等普通板材,在体积相同时其质量也是最轻的。aluminum honeycomb panel的质量仅为同体积玻璃钢层合板的9%, same volume steel plate11%, the same volume of aluminum alloy plate23%. This allows aluminum honeycomb panels to save a lot of energy in lightweight applications. The low density and light weight make the honeycomb panel well meet the requirements of aerospace engineering vehicles, trains, high-speed trains, automobiles and ships and other transportation tools for materials.Lightweight, energy saving and environmental protectionrequirements.

夹层结构材料大部分用在车身外蒙皮、车架结构、车身结构、保险杠、车门、座椅等处。如用玻璃纤维增强热塑性面板和聚丙烯蜂窝芯复合Honeycomb Panel制造轿车的行李后搁板、承重地板等,可以获得非常大的损伤容限。用环氧系粘结剂将纸蜂窝芯与上下两层防锈钢板复合形成Honeycomb Panel用作汽车地板和车顶衬里,具有较好的吸声性能。采用由马氏体钢、反应注射模塑纤维增强聚氨醋层和聚乙烯蜂窝层组成的新型复合材料制造汽车保险杠,这种保险杠比钢制的同样产品轻9kg, can satisfy5km/hThe impact experiment. Many concept cars in Japan also use aluminum honeycomb panels to make car floors, which reduces the weight of the car body and increases the rigidity of the car body.

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Keyword of this article:Core layer of aluminum honeycomb panel