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Application of Metal Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Curtain Wall

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-04-15 09:26:00

Metalaluminum honeycomb panel幕墙应用已经有了几十年的历史,还在使用的包括有aluminum honeycomb panel、铝塑复合板和aluminum honeycomb panel三种。在这三种材料中,最常用的是铝单板和铝塑板。铝单板出现的最早,后来在60End of the decade70In the early years, aluminum-plastic composite panels were invented in Germany and quickly became popular all over the world. What is the difference between aluminum plastic plate and aluminum veneer?Here I will make a simple comparison of these two materials:

aluminum honeycomb panel一般采用2-4mmthickAA1100Pure aluminum plate orAA3003And other high-quality aluminum alloy plate, domestic general use2.5mmAA3003aluminum alloy plate;Aluminum-plastic composite panels are generally used3-4mmThree-layer structure, including the upper and lower two0.5mmClampedPVCPE. We can see from the material, the cost of aluminum-plastic composite panels must be much lower than the aluminum veneer. The market is probably4mmThick composite plate2.5mmThick aluminum veneer price to be low120/For a 10,000-square-square project, the use of aluminum-plastic panels is lower than the use of aluminum veneer.120The cost of ten thousand yuan.

There are two kinds of aluminum honeycomb panels in the world: fluorocarbon sprayed aluminum veneer and roller coating. There is no roller coating production line in China for the time being, so the processing process of veneer here is mainly about fluorocarbon spraying production. The production of aluminum veneer by spraying is divided into two steps: the first step is sheet metal processing. This process is mainly through the flat through cutting, folding, bending arc, welding, grinding and other processes, the aluminum veneer is processed into the shape and size required for construction. The second step is spraying. Spraying is spraying paint on the processed sheet metal. There are two kinds of spraying, one is manual spraying and the other is machine spraying. Machine spraying is generally only suitable for regular flat plates, but this kind of aluminum veneer is less used in actual use, and most domestic manufacturers use manual spraying. Artificial spraying is a dangerous job, because the volatile and toxic paint are relatively strong, it is easy to cause chronic benzene series poisoning, seriously affecting human health.

One of the great advantages of artificial spraying is that regardless of the size of the amount, the color can be optional, and the roller coating of the aluminum-plastic plate must reach a certain amount before it can be processed. The processing process of aluminum-plastic plate is more complicated than aluminum veneer, mainly including four major processes: formation, coating, compounding and trimming. These four processes are all automated production except trimming. It can be seen from its processing process that aluminum-plastic panels have certain advantages in environmental protection and safety. Coupled with the simple sheet metal process of aluminum veneer, some private workshops have also begun to get involved, seriously affecting the stability of the market quality of aluminum veneer.

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Keyword of this article:Application of Metal Aluminum Honeycomb Panel Curtain Wall