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Current Market Situation of Aluminum Honeycomb Panel

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2021-11-24 23:28:00

Industry professional analysts pointed out: Inspired by the honeycomb, the resistance of the honeycomb structure to squeezing force is much higher than any round or square, and the aluminum honeycomb panel honeycomb structure material began to be available. Aluminum honeycomb panel not only has excellent performance in large scale and flatness, but also has many choices in shape, surface treatment, color, installation system and so on. It has been popular in the market in recent years.

Aluminum honeycomb panel has good performance and obvious advantages. Large specific bending stiffness and high specific bending strength, I .e. light weight and high strength; The flatness is very good, which can meet the requirements of large separation of building curtain walls and achieve good building performance with the least building components. Various surface treatments are available. Good fire resistance; It has good sound absorption, sound insulation, heat insulation, shockproof and other functions. Good environmental protection and 100% recycling. The aluminum honeycomb panel back panel is made of the same material as the panel. The surface is anodized, and the side exposed to the air should be coated with a protective coating. The coating material can be polyester, epoxy, acrylic and other materials to prevent long-term exposure to the air and cause corrosion of the aluminum plate.

  铝蜂窝复合材料是近几年兴起的一种新兴民用材料,以前用于军用领域。由于其质地轻、防火、隔音、耐腐,且能节约大量铝材、石材等,被誉为材料业的环保材料。近五年,我国铝蜂窝复合材料的产量一直保持平均22%的增长速度,近年来,国内企业不断在技术上更新,国内首条2000毫米超宽规格aluminum honeycomb composite panelThe production line has started, showing a good development trend.

Keyword of this article:aluminum honeycomb panel