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Aluminum honeycomb partition will completely replace gypsum board partition

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2015-12-05 14:43:00

The main disadvantage of gypsum board partition is that it is not as good as masonry wall in terms of sound insulation performance and impact resistance. Generally, the way of filling sound-absorbing cotton is used. When filling, pay special attention to the environmental protection, density and construction of the filling material. Double plasterboard can also improve the sound insulation effect. Impact resistant gypsum board is best used, followed by double gypsum board.


Below we understand the next honeycomb board

       Aluminum honeycomb panel partitionThe structure is more complex, the sound in the transmission to the honeycomb wall, will be in each small honeycomb back and forth vibration, equivalent to the increase of multi-layer sound insulation plate, will cause greater sound energy loss. At the same time, for the sound wave of a specific frequency, it will cause the diffraction phenomenon of the sound wave, so that the energy of the sound wave is dispersed, and a good noise reduction effect is achieved.


       岩棉板称为“隔音岩棉”,因为通常被用于轻型墙体的隔音。这种轻型墙体的典型结构是:石膏板(1层或多层)+龙骨+岩棉板+石膏板(1层或多层)   岩棉板在这里起到的是吸音作用,吸收部分穿过石膏板的声波,降低声波在石膏板、龙骨、石膏板之间形成的空腔中的来回反射,从而达到提高墙体隔音量的作用。


    不难看出Aluminum honeycomb panel partitionIs a one-time molding, according to the size of the installation can be put into use immediately, and without any smell, can be made into a variety of colors, imitation marble wood grain and so on. And the installation is very convenient, fire, moisture, sound insulation are available.

    在今后的装修隔断领域里,aluminum honeycomb panel将有望完全代替传统的石膏板隔断。Kaimai Metal Building Materials AluminumFocus on aluminum honeycomb panels for 10 years, and hope to develop mutually beneficial and win-win together with everyone. Kaimai metal building materials official website micro signal: klccly




Keyword of this article:aluminum honeycomb partition