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Aluminum honeycomb panel is a building plate

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-03-18 13:53:00

aluminum honeycomb panel是一种建筑板材,是Honeycomb Panel中的一种优质产品,主要是由铝蜂窝芯和面板经胶黏剂粘接而成,不仅强度高、刚性强,同时外形美观,因此,在很多行业的应用都比较普遍,比如说造船、机械、建筑装饰等等行业,然而,无论是哪种场合的使用,在施工的过程中,aluminum honeycomb panel都要满足以下要求:

一、铝蜂窝芯与面板之间粘结的黏合剂要采用强力聚氨脂粘结胶,剥离强度不小于40N/CMTo ensure the non-peelability of aluminum honeycomb panels;

二、铝合金蜂窝芯材材质采用AA3003H18, and should be treated with anti-corrosion treatment. The thickness of aluminum foil used for aluminum alloy honeycomb core material is0.06mmThe aluminum alloy honeycomb core material is expanded into a regular hexagon, and the side length5mm


四、正面和背面铝板采用优质铝镁合金板,正面铝板厚度不小于0.8mm, the thickness of the back aluminum plate is not less0.6mm.

To meet the requirements of the above four aspects, such aluminum honeycomb board can more meet the needs of construction, bring better construction effect.

aluminum honeycomb panel装饰面板的材质一般选用30035005Equal grade, low alloy composition1100The plate is less used. The decorative surface is sprayed or rolled, and the coating is polyester or fluorocarbon paint. The exterior wall panel is preferably sprayed, and more than three coats are required. The thickness of the paint layer≥40μmThis ensures the durability of the coating.


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Keyword of this article:Aluminum honeycomb panel is a building plate