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Application of Fluorocarbon Spraying Aluminum Honeycomb Panel in Building Curtain Wall

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-04-13 14:13:00

single layeraluminum honeycomb panel广泛应用于建筑幕墙,其表面PVDFThe fluorocarbon coating is usually formed by a spray coating process, but also by a roll coating process.

前者是先通过钣金加工工艺把光铝板加工成含加强筋和挂耳的结构,然后进行PVDFFluorocarbon coating curtain wall with single-layer aluminum material has pure aluminum series(11001060)AlMnAlloy(3003)Al-MgAlloy(50525754)

喷涂板的厚度和Alloy型号可根据设计需要来选择,不受工艺限制。 下面就常用的3mm3003The rigidity of the spray plate is analyzed. In the curtain wall structure, the rigidity of the aluminum plate is very important, because the failure form of the aluminum plate in the curtain wall structure is not fracture, but whether the aluminum plate has sufficient rigidity to resist the deformation caused by the external load. In the case of the division, the rigidity of the aluminum plate depends on the thickness of the aluminum plate and the structure of the reinforcing rib.

single layeraluminum honeycomb panel的刚度在JGl02-2003It is specified in the Technical Code for Glass Curtain Wall Engineering.

刚度系数(D)Calculation basis:D=Et3/12(1-0.332)tfor plate thickness,Eis the modulus of elasticity.

A1-Mnsystem alloy(3003)E1=70GPAA1-Mgsystem alloy(5754)E2=El=69.3GPA Calculation3mm3003Aluminum alloy and2.5mm5754Rigidity of aluminum plate:D3003/D5754=1.753mm3003The rigidity of aluminum alloy is2.5mm5754Aluminum alloy1.75Times.

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Keyword of this article:Application of Fluorocarbon Spraying Aluminum Honeycomb Panel in Building Curtain Wall