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What are the advantages of honeycomb aluminum plate | Kaimai Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials News

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What are the advantages of honeycomb aluminum plate

文章出处:广州What are the advantages of honeycomb aluminum plate | Kaimai Information | Kaimai Metal Building Materials有限公司 人气:-Published: 2016-01-27 10:56:00

Honeycomb aluminum plate是采用高强度合金铝板作为面板与底板,中间用航空粘合剂内粘六角形铝箔蜂窝芯,经辊压复合并在铝板表面施加装饰性或保护性涂层的一种按工程现场设计好的尺寸、形状和构造形式定做加工成型的高档全铝结构装饰板材。河南明泰铝业股份有限公司生产的蜂窝铝箔具有高强度和高耐久性以及良好的表面性能,在国内铝箔生产企业中名列前茅。

Honeycomb aluminum plate is light weight, good rigidity and high flatness. The interconnected aluminum honeycomb core is like countless I-beams evenly distributed and fixed in the whole plate surface, which is not easy to produce shear, so that the plate is more stable, not easy to deform, and has excellent bending resistance and wind pressure resistance. Even the aluminum honeycomb panel with super large specifications can achieve good flatness. Weather resistance, corrosion resistance and pollution resistance are also better, easy to clean and maintain.

Honeycomb aluminum plate防火、防潮性能更是优于其他材料。经国家防火检验机关检测达到难燃B1Above grade, no mildew, deformation, etc. in a humid environment. Because the air layer in the aluminum honeycomb panel is divided into many closed voids by the honeycomb core, the air flow is prevented, and the sound wave and heat are not easy to spread, so it has good sound insulation and heat insulation performance. At the same time, it also avoids the situation that when other metal plates are raining heavily, raindrops hit the plate surface with particularly loud noise. No light pollution, soft color, rich color, good decorative effect. Can be processed into flat plate, folded plate, box plate, arc plate and other shapes, fully meet the design ideas.

Honeycomb aluminum plate施工性好,安装方便、快捷。可回收再生利用,节约资源等各种优势。对环保要求很严的现代环境来说,用铝蜂窝箔来做加工材料,是新世纪一种很好的材料选择,其完全无毒的绿色品质,让生产厂家在生产过程中,少了不必要的环保程序;In addition, aluminum honeycomb foil panels can be diversified such as solid wood, aluminum plate, gypsum board, natural marble stone, can be made into honeycomb foil, material selection is convenient.

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