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Honeycomb aluminum sheet product features

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published time: 2016-03-16 14:46:00

flame retardant paperHoneycomb aluminum plate轻质墙板产品特色

1. Energy saving

Honeycomb aluminum plate墙体板的热传导率<0.15W/m.K It has superior thermal insulation function and is the preferred material for energy-saving buildings.

2. Light weight

Honeycomb aluminum plate墙体板的单元重量为22-23kg/㎡, for users, it can reduce the total project investment in structural description, save a lot of steel, increase the floor height, make more reasonable and useful use of land and natural capital, and save the project cost compared with light materials such as clay bricks.15-20%

3. Wall structure

照明、空调、闭路天线、照明线路均可在墙体里预制或设备进程中预埋,且墙体是根据用户需求的尺度标准出产,包管了设备进程简练方便。还,墙体的设备完成了干法功课,设备终了后直接刮腻子、刷涂料或直接张贴点缀材料,比其它墙体施工可节约30%About the duration.

4. The wall is not cracked

The equipment method and structural characteristics of the light wall panel ensure that the surface of the wall is smooth and invariant, and does not deform or crack.

5. Increase building area

90mmThe thickness of the light wall panel sound insulation, insulation results equivalent240mmThe thickness of solid bricks can be increased without increasing the construction area.35%The use of area, so that investors benefit.

6. Superior waterproof function

Waterproof wallboard is made of honeycomb core material and special waterproof composite glue, and the panel is made of cement board or calcium silicate board with good waterproof results. It has excellent waterproof function. The surface of calcium silicate board can post ceramic tiles, marble and other surface materials, and has the benefits of not withering and embellishing results.

7. Excellent sound insulation function

由于蜂窝芯材的正六边型腔体结构,使其具有优胜的吸音功用,它使进入腔体的声波经由折射、衰减等物理进程,降低了动静传达的能量,因而抵达了隔音成果。以厚度90mmThe single-layer thickness of the panel is8mmFor example, the sound insulation index of the single-layer structure is42Decibels, double-layer structure sound insulation index is54Decibel, was one of the best sound insulation Products in the light wall panel at the time under the common thickness scale.

8. Fire Prevention

由于Honeycomb aluminum plate墙体板的表面选用的是无机材料如水泥板、玻镁板、硅钙板、石膏板,它的填充材料是经由浸渍Fire Prevention、防潮剂处置的,因而具有优胜的Fire Prevention功用。本产品从前国度Fire Prevention检测中心检测,耐火极限大于1.5Hours, beyond the national standard of light wall standard.

9. Environmental protection

由于Honeycomb aluminum plate墙体板所选用的材料均属无毒、无味、无放射性的Environmental protection材料,合用于家庭房子、公共设备建筑的梦想材料之一。本产品从前国度建材检测中心检测为AGrade Products, whose production, marketing and application are not constrained.

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Keyword of this article:Honeycomb aluminum sheet product features