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Honeycomb aluminum plate material-new environmentally friendly furniture material

Article Source: Guangzhou Kaimai Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd. 人气:-Published: 2016-04-20 10:59:00

1.Honeycomb aluminum platethe origin

Scientists have found that the hexagonal six-sided nest made by bees is a masterpiece. It uses the least amount of material to build an extremely strong honeycomb, and its structure is more powerful than any other shape. Because this multi-wall row Columns and a series of continuous honeycomb-shaped network structures can disperse the external forces from all parties, making the honeycomb structure much more resistant to squeezing forces than any circle or square. Scientists on the honeycomb structure of the study, The inspiration is that even very thin materials, as long as it is made into a honeycomb shape, can withstand a lot of pressure. It is inspired by the honeycomb, honeycomb structure materials began to be available.

Honeycomb aluminum plates are generally divided into two categories: metal and non-metal. Metal honeycomb panels are mainly used in aircraft manufacturing, steam turbine manufacturing, shipbuilding, transportation, etc. Non-metallic honeycomb panels are divided into fiber and paper. Fibers Honeycomb panels are mainly used in the transportation industry, interior decoration industry and furniture industry; paper honeycomb panels are mainly used in the packaging industry, building materials industry, furniture industry, etc. The paper honeycomb board used in the packaging industry, that is, honeycomb cardboard, is mainly used to make packaging. Boxes and transport packaging.

2. Forming theory of honeycomb aluminum plate

The forming principle of honeycomb aluminum plate can be explained by a simple small test.

First, one side of a paper strip is coated with several glue lines with pitch (T), width (B) and equality along the vertical direction of the length of the paper strip, and the pitch is 4 times the width of the glue lines, T = 4B. Similarly, we also coated the same glue lines on another paper strip, and then the two paper strips are staggered and combined to form a regular hexagonal honeycomb structure.

As for dislocation viscose compound, the glue line of the second paper is accurately glued on the opposite side of the middle position of the distance between the two glue lines of the first paper strip (as shown in fig. 1). when several paper strips are glued in this way in turn, the paper strips are laterally pulled apart to be uniform, thus several regular hexagons are formed.

When changing the width and pitch of the glue line (T≠ 4B), the honeycomb will become a honeycomb of other shapes. When the aperture, I .e. the diameter of the inscribed circle of the honeycomb, is changed, different types of honeycomb paper cores can be obtained. in the actual production process In general, the paper core with large honeycomb aperture is easy to stretch, and the production speed can also be improved, but the strength is low. Generally, in the production of honeycomb pallets, B type (inner diameter of 15mm) and C type (inner diameter of 20mm) bees are used. Nest paper core, mostly used in furniture type B (inner diameter is 15mm).

3. Application Status of Honeycomb Aluminum Composites

Honeycomb aluminum plate structure material originated from bionics, and was first used in the field of aerospace. It is a kind of ultra-light composite material developed in response to the special needs of aerospace science and technology. From the 30 s of last century the earliest used to make fly The hexagonal aluminum honeycomb core of the sandwich structure of the aircraft was the first to use non-metallic honeycomb composite panels as the floor of the aircraft by Boeing\'s Boeing747 aircraft in the 1970 s. aircraft, rockets and spaceships and other aerospace vehicles are widely used.

Keyword of this article:Honeycomb aluminum plate material-new environmentally friendly furniture material